Stanford Mechanics and Computation
Seminar Schedule
"Better Armor Materials"
Title: Better Armor Materials Abstract: Armor materials are remarkable. They are able to stop high-speed projectiles, survive multiple hits, and provide structural support. But to defeat new, ever-more-formidable threats, armor systems have become heavier and are causing problems for the warfighter and combat vehicles. Better armor materials are needed. But how can they be achieved? Don Shockey will look at armor materials design from a new perspective and describe a route for developing materials with improved protection capabilities. He will present microlevel failure observations on metallic, ceramic, and transparent materials subjected to ballistic impact at SRI and discuss how these observations can inspire innovative microstructures that enhance penetration resistance. Biography: Don is Director of SRI’s Center for Fracture Physics, is an internationally recognized expert in fracture of materials and structures, and an authority on failure under impact and explosive loads. Don was a key contributor to the National Materials Advisory Board’s report on Protection Materials Science released in 2011. He joined SRI International in 1971 after earning a doctorate in Materials Science at Carnegie-Mellon University and completing a 3-year post-doctoral appointment at the Ernst-Mach-Institut and the Institut für Werkstoffmechanik in Freiburg, Germany. A long-time ski patroller, he enjoys winter mountaineering, backpacking, and ocean diving.
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"Better Armor Materials"